Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bald in Center-maybe Follicular Degeneration Syndrome??

Bernie said...

Hello Dr. Maclin

I had the opportunity to hear you on the Steve Harvey Morning Show for the first time. I have had a problem with hair loss for some time now. I had suffered with fibroids for many years and within the last few years my hair had been falling out. The balding is only in the center of my head. I have not been able to wear my own hair for years. Three years ago I had the fibroid urinary immobilization surgery and my hair have not grown back yet. I have sensitive skin and I have tried everything to try to get my hair to grow back, but I have been unsuccessful. On the morning show I heard you mentioned that you must get the roots working from the inside out because the folicle have shut down from the inside. What can I do to start the process of repairing the follicles on the inside?

August 6, 2007 7:51 AM

Hi Ms. Bernie,
Thank you for listening and your support! Your center hair concern is quite common amongst women of color primarily due to a condition called Follicular Degeneration Syndrome (FDS). After gaining feedback from thousands of women of color nationwide as the Medical Director of Hair/Skin for HYPE Hair and Braids & Beauty mags since 1999,  my belief is the history of excessive and improper use of chemical hair relaxers even though the books state from years of hot pressing oils. Many of us have never pressed our hair  but have used relaxers and still have the hair thinning in the top starting as early as late teens..the true verdict is still out! You may also have excess hair shedding from potentially being iron-deficient (anemia) from  the heavy bleeding during your monthly cycle from the  fibroids. Definitely, BellaNutri will work from within the help build healthier follicles....the follicles that can respond will respond. I highly suggest to avoid any chemicals or dyes for now in an effort to maximally get your follicles restored and working again. Every hair follicle that responds to the inner nutrition, can grow 2-3 strands of hair ,so get ready to get that those follicles stimulated. Also, in general, try to avoid chemicals too early in young girls and too many times of year for all to limit killing those follicles!


Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how many women suffer with this problem. I and my sisters have all also had this same problem. They have times when it grows back, I haven't been so lucky. I am a hairstylist, it is pretty embarrasing that I can't wear my hair out. My hair is beautiful but that middle.... I am 32 years young wearing a wig and weave because I have to. I want to try this product but I am a bit skeptical, I've tried so many products in the past.

smiley said...

hi, i have the same exact problems.i will try this product ,what do i have to loose.i hope we both have much success in growing our hair back.i'm tired of the weave and wigs too.