Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sun Allergy Rash

Good Morning Dr. Maclin & the Steve Harvey Morning Show Crew,

I am a 25 year old african american female. I have been suffering for about three years now with severe allergic reactions to the sun. When I am out in the sun for as little as 30 minutes, I break out in this horrible rash all over my arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face and the bottom of my legs. The "hive like" rash seems to only happen on the areas that are exposed to the sun. I now try to wear shirts with short sleeves (rather than tank/halter tops) and long pants/skirts to help prevent the breakouts as much as possible. I have gone to several doctors and they have suggested nothing more than wearing longer clothes and sunblock. I use Aveeno Photobarrier SPF 45 daily and I also use a combination of Cortisone 10 and/or other itch relief creams with Eucerine. These rashes are very very uncomfortable and itches like heck. Is there anything else I can do? Is there anything I can take orally? PLEASE HELP before I scratch the skin off my body!

Kelle In Maryland

July 9, 2007 7:08 AM

Hi Ms. Kelle
Check into any vitamins, herbs or medicines that could be photo-sensitizing causing the reactions and  also have your doc to do some labwork  (such as checking for Systemic Lupus which can be common in African-American women causing skin exacerbations from the sun. Since in Maryland, check with my partner, Dr. Debra Coats-Walton, at 301-809-4321 who can do a complete evaluation. For now, I highly suggest  continuing to wear long protective clothing and daily use of a high SPF sunblock..the higher the number the better! Apply a Hydrocortisone ointment 2-3 times a day to areas which will help reduce the itching. I also like Aveeno lotion with Menthol to help soothe and nightly Aveeno oatmeal baths. For any open scratches, make sure to apply some Neosporin to avoid infection. I hope this helps and continue to tune into me with Steve every Monday at 6:30am EST!

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